Central Bank of Oman (CSD)
Implementation of Central Securities Depository System (DEPO/X)
Oman, Muscat
May 2011
Central Bank of Oman launched the Central Securities Depository, Online Auctioning and Securities Settlement System based on CMA's DEPO/X product. DEPO/X offers full automation of depository operations for state and corporate securities covering all steps constituting the full process of an auction such as registering, bidding and settlement. DEPO/X provides a true Delivery versus Payment (DvP) model due to its online integration with the Real-Time Gross Settlement system (RTS/X, previously installed in CBO by CMA in 2005). DEPO/X was customized to fulfill the requirements of the CBO, the national regulating authorities and legislation terms. Instruments (securities) supported by DEPO/X system for CBO are:
- Government Bonds;
- Government Treasury Bills;
- Central Bank Bills;
- Central Bank Certificates of Deposit;
- Central Bank Short-Term Deposits;
- Commercial Papers;
- Money market facilities.